In the Balance
Hermann Bigelmayr... But every single breath causes movement into the art to make the fullness of creation also survivable ...
Since fall 2013, a quotation of that extremely filigree wheat leaf can be observed at the cultural site Wintringer Chapel. The leaf floats "on a silken thread" under the stalk of wheat already created by Hermann Bigelmayer in 2011. The artist had already been working on this with care in his Munich studio since 2012. Bigelmayr peeled thereby proverbially an increasing feeling of distress from a mighty maple trunk: Despite a meanwhile widespread knowledge about possible solutions, the threats to our planet caused by us humans ourselves, one does oneself with acting heavily. It remains predominantly with symptom treatments and political lip service.
Perfection in detail
In the now completed three-part work of the sculptor he lets in his picture proverbially the climatic change, the constant decrease of the biological variety, the world-wide exploitation of humans, animals and utilizable soils, the weapon armaments of many countries and the decay of ethical and cultural values, which pulls along with it, in addition, the jumping increasing world population, like a sword of Damocles over the future of our earth circle hover.