Discourse III
23 June 2012, 18.00
... and the seeds should not be ground

...baked bread is tasty and satisfying - for one day; but flour cannot be sown, and the seeds are not to be ground.
J. W. von Goethe (1795)

Introduction, moderation: Peter Michael Lupp (curator)
Guests: Stefan Mörsdorf (Managing Director of the European Academy Otzenhausen, former Minister of the Environment of the Saarland), Hermann Bigelmayr (sculptor, Munich), Manfred Zimmer (Chairman of Lebenshilfe für Menschen mit Behinderung Obere Saar e.V.), Stephan Strichertz (Mayor of the municipality Kleinblittersdorf, Chairman of the Zweckverbandes Biosphärenreservat)
Bliesgau music improvisations: Hartmut Oßwald (bass clarinet)

In his keynote speech on sustainability, Stefan Mörsdorf made reference to a public event that had never been held in this form before. It bears the title:
Sustainable Development - The Global Challenge of this Century
International experts on the topic of sustainability will take a stand at this event, and mutual networking will take place within the framework of Discourse III "Seeds".
Lecture pool from June 26 - 29, 2012 at the European Academy Otzenhausen.