Sound installation - STEPS SILENCE
Liquid Penguin EnsembleKatharina Bihler / Stefan Scheib

Someone comes, someone goes. Someone stays.
The remaining remains of a medieval priory church of Wadgassen Abbey, as a "chapel" on the Wintringer farm, still form a stopping or orientation point in the ramified network of paths of the pilgrims of St. James, which has been engraved over the centuries by wandering and pilgrimage people into the spiritual and geographical topography of Europe.

The multi-channel installation in the room works with the audible aspect of wandering, pilgrimage, walking. It composes sound recordings of steps moving in the space of the chapel, widening it: Someone comes, someone goes. A third person passes by. Distant footsteps approach, become distinct, enter the space, are close to the listener, and then pause: a silence enters that signifies presence.
The texts in a complementary headphone installation take up the perspective of the one who is on the way. Under whose fleeting steps paths emerge, connecting points, dividing surfaces.
Space installation "Presence"
Headphone installation "The path / La sente"
Tip: The audio files are best listened to with headphones
Press article Saarbrücker Zeitung 12.12.2017

Concept/Development: Stefan Scheib and Katharina Bihler
Sound: Stefan Scheib
Text/Voice: Katharina Bihler
Translation into French/Voice: Élodie Brochier
The texts are in German and French. STEPS SILENCE will be released in spring 2018 in a stereo version on audio CD with a German-French booklet.
the ages, the art project reflects the medieval cultural monument as a destination for pilgrims and sees itself as a contribution and further "memorial" within the framework of the European model project "Starry Path/Chemin des étoiles":
The sound installation opened on December 10, 2017 and will be heard over a yearly cycle until December 2018 at the cultural site Wintringer Chapel.
Short vita
In 1997, author/performer Katharina Bihler and composer/bassist Stefan Scheib founded the Liquid Penguin Ensemble. They experiment and play at and with the boundaries of artistic genres and develop - partly in collaboration with other artists, technicians and scientists - projects between sound art, radio plays, music theater, performance and installation. Her radio plays for Saarländischer Rundfunk have won several awards, including the ARD German Radio Play Prize (2008), Radio Play of the Year (2009 and 2014) and the Radio Play Prize of the War Blind (2015).
Katharina Bihler and Stefan Scheib live and work in Saarbrücken.
The sound installation STEPS SILENCE by the Liquid Penguin Ensemble (Katharina Bihler and Stefan Scheib) can be experienced for a yearly cycle from December 2017 to December 2018 at the cultural site Wintringer Chapel.
Way of the Stars
From the cultural site Wintringer Chapel, the Way of the Stars in the direction of Auersmacher also invites you to discover. For three stations on this path there are sound pieces that you can listen to along the way.