Advent market at Wintringer farm

From 1-5 p.m. the traditional Advent market will take place at the Wintringer farm.
Advent ritual: "A light for peace in the world".
All guests are invited to light a candle in the chapel.
The Country inn at the Wintringer farm offers an Advent bonfire and mulled wine.
Wintringer farm yard festival

From 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., the Wintringer Farm will host its annual farm festival.
The Country inn at the Wintringer farm is open and invites you to stop for a bite to eat.
Public transport: Bus 147 to Wintringer farm (outward journey only)
Fine Arts Day

The Wintringer Chapel Cultural Site on the Wintringer farm is also open during the Saarbrücken City of Fine Arts Days. The installation "The Limits of Growth" and the "Cross in Nothingness" by Munich sculptor Hermann Bigelmayr can currently be seen on site. You can also listen to the sound installation SCHRITTE/STILLE by the Liquid Penguin Ensemble. At 4 pm, there will be a presentation of the Cultural site with its contemporary artistic reflections by the curator of the model project Peter Michael Lupp.
The cultural site Wintringer Chapel stands within the Regional Association Saarbrücken as a model for the quiet valorization of significant places of art and culture: A significant place of the past, which wants to bring about cultural education for sustainable development in the present with the language of art.
The Country inn at the Wintringer farm is open and invites you to stop for a bite to eat.
Public transport: Bus 147 to Wintringer farm (outward journey only)
Program flyerLecture on "Club of Rome" and the Limits to Growth

© Historical Museum Saar, Thomas Roessler
Co-President of the Club of Rome, Prof. Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, will speak about the "Limits to Growth" and 50 years of the "Club of Rome" at 7:00 p.m. in the Saarbrücken Volkshochschule.
Article Saarbrücker Zeitung 30.08.2018"Inclusive Art"
Invitation to the local discussion with Prof. Dr. Andreas Fröhlich

...Art belongs to the life of many people, without art they do not want to be. Music, painting, poetry, sculpture or dance, express what moves people and holds them together at the core. People with disabilities can often only experience art to a very limited extent. Those who can't see would have to touch, those who can't hear, those who can't walk... some things would have to change so that everyone can experience "Inclusive Art"...
The scientist and author would like to present and exchange thoughts on this topic during the local discussion.
Introduction and moderation: Peter Michael Lupp
An event on education for cultural and sustainable development in cooperation with the VHS Regional Association Saarbrücken.
Program flyerSustainability explorations

Throughout 2018, the cultural site Wintringer Chapel will offer explorations of sustainability in the form of guided tours, local talks, and meditative walks. They can also be booked for groups on request.
Program flyerOfficial presentation calendar of events biosphere reserve Bliesgau 2018

The cultural site Wintringer Chapel presented itself on January 25, 2018 in its function as an art station, model workshop and place of thought in the Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve.
So it was not by chance that the new calendar of events was presented at the cultural site Wintringer Chapel on the Wintringer farm. Offers for explorations on sustainability of the Adult Education Center of the Regional Association of Saarbrücken, which are developed and accompanied by Peter Michael Lupp especially for this special place, already enrich the calendar of events since its first edition in 2010.
Press release of the Biosphere Association
Article Saarbrücker Zeitung
Book launch: Expanded new edition of the Poetic Documentation for Pilgrimage Walking on the Way of the Stars.

Illustrated book, size 245 x 290 mm, hardcover, bound, 568 pages (with French abridged version)
ISBN: 978-3-947148-00-4
Price: 25,- € (plus shipping costs)
Source of supply: Tourist Info Saarbrücker Schloss,
Schlossplatz 1-15
66119 Saarbrücken,
Tel +49 681 / 506-6006 ,
Publisher: Regional Association Saarbrücken