Wintringer farm yard festival
From 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., the Wintringer Farm will host its annual farm festival.
Public transport: Bus 147 to Wintringer farm (outward journey only)
Wintringer farm yard festival
From 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., the Wintringer Farm will host its annual farm festival.
The Country inn at the Wintringer farm is open and invites you to stop for a bite to eat.
Public transport: Bus 147 to Wintringer farm (outward journey only)
Wintringer farm yard festival
From 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., the Wintringer Farm will host its annual farm festival.
Current exhibition
"The limits to growth - The cross in the void", Hermann Bigelmayr
Wintringer farm yard festival
Current exhibitions
"The limits of growth - The cross in the void", Hermann Bigelmayr
"Il fait froid", Leslie Huppert
Wintringer farm yard festival
Sale of Bioland products, natural goods and products from our own production
Painting, crafts, activities for children and families, straw castle
With Peter Michael Lupp
Musical reflections: Marta Hemkemeier (violin), Anso Fiedeler (bassoon)
Yard festival at the Wintringer farm with work presentation "In the Balance".
At the cultural site Wintringer Chapel: "The Limits to Growth" by Hermann Bigelmayr
Presentation of the new addition to its process work "In the Balance"
Information booth
Under the title "In the Balance", Hermann Bigelmayr once again uses nature as a source of inspiration to conclude his work. The scene is a late summer wheat field in the early morning. On the silken thread of a spider, a broken leaf of a wheat stalk that has grown too high floats and moves seemingly weightless in the wind...
Since fall 2013, a quotation of that extremely filigree wheat leaf can be observed at the cultural site Wintringer Chapel. The leaf floats "on a silken thread" under the stalk of wheat already created by Hermann Bigelmayer in 2011. The artist had already been working on this with care in his Munich studio since 2012. Bigelmayr peeled thereby proverbially an increasing feeling of distress from a mighty maple trunk: Despite a meanwhile widespread knowledge about possible solutions, the threats to our planet caused by us humans ourselves, one does oneself with acting heavily. It remains predominantly with symptom treatments and political lip service.
To the project pageYard festival at the Wintringer farm
Large market with natural goods, gift and decorative items
At the cultural site Wintringer Chapel: Exhibition "The Limits to Growth" by Hermann Bigelmayr
Yard festival at the Wintringer farm
Large market with natural goods, gift and decorative items
At the cultural site Wintringer Chapel: Exhibition "The Limits to Growth" by Hermann Bigelmayr
Information stand about the Way of St. James