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Valuefull on the road

As part of the European model project “Sternenweg/Chemin des étoiles” people are invited to explore a multifaceted greater region in the heart of Europe through the eyes of a pilgrim in order to discover what sustainably connects people, time(s) and living spaces.

Pilgrimage hiking along the rediscovered routes of the pilgrims of St. James also offers the opportunity to sound out in which world we want to live - in view of the past - and for which values we stand. Pilgrimage has always stood for the longing for an overriding (life)goal and meaning, and for the desire to engage with the world and foreign cultures with empathy and curiosity. The encounter with the foreign promotes the willingness to take a self-critical look at the patterns of one’s own habits of thought and action. Those who, along the way, also open themselves to reflecting on their own values in the mirror of the society in which we live and to exchanging ideas with others, not only gain inner strength and courage to face life, but also the motivation to help shape reality.

The following canon of values offers support and inspiration for a valuable journey on the Starry Paths. The values described therein summarily reflect the social, spiritual and cultural foundation of Europe and are to be understood - without claiming to be complete - as a source of impulses and orientation for thinking in and further. Symbolically, this canon of values is represented in a mission statement that is intended to motivate along the path along the stars.


As “spiritual luggage”, these values can be creatively reflected upon along the way or when pausing to reflect, and can contribute to a new self-understanding about social cohesion and basic European values.