
Creation Earth Habitat Biosphere Recognizing Understanding Designing Acting Learning to see poetically + artistically
The title "Concept about Art of living" stands for ideas and projects that unfold through artistic or cultural concepts and processes to contribute to a value-oriented and sustainable development of our living space. They are intended to inspire people to consciously think along and further. Art inspires life and artistic and poetic vision inspires sustainable ways of living.
Due to unreflective growth thinking, the power of markets and our consumer behavior, man's natural sense for the preciousness of the "blue planet" - creation - is creeping out of kilter. The search movement for the art of the good life reflects the balancing act on the scale of values that a society defines in its respective habitat for its coexistence in diversity and harmony with nature across generations in everyday life. Overridingly, a good life corresponds to the "conditio humana".
What is meant are those basic conditions of human existence that can ensure the necessary foundations of life in a sustainable manner. Ultimately, they only come into being through creative thought and action. Only a constant questioning and adjustment of the ethical foundations that form, shape and bring to life the values within societies and their respective habitats refines the collective memory and inspires responsible action.
The "art of the good life" thus seeks balance, measure and center. It is the driving force of ecological thinking, gives meaning to action, sparks joy of life, generates sustainable and spiritual growth of a society, deepens awareness and spreads ethical responsibility and confidence in an endangered world.
These elementary socio-cultural issues and their pressing questions are often left out of the development strategies of our living spaces by an unreflective market faith of politics.
An engaged cultural work and thematic artistic reflections offers one of the keys to a new, quite different understanding of good life. Not a rationally defining, but rather an empowering, intuitive and enlightening understanding.
Artistic or cultural engagement is one of the most effective instruments for exploring boundaries, avoiding encrustations, learning to understand in new ways. In the spectrum of a visual search movement through fine arts, literature, theater and music, this succeeds particularly effectively. From the inside out, images and essences for sustainable ways of living emerge. They cause awareness, "being-orientation", attention and [life-]space for intensity and quality. People can experience and learn this way an artistic and poetic seeing.
Wouldn't the cultural factor be a predestined counterweight to secure a place for ethical-ecological thinking and action in public discourse and regional development again?
The development of creative concepts about the art of living well - "Concept about the art of living" - and their dissemination in the most diverse experiential spaces of human interaction, support the balance necessary for the sustainable preservation of our habitats. They are part of the core mission in the "laboratories" of the UNESCO biosphere reserves. Even the most inconspicuous concepts and ideas with this intention are capable of spreading a virus; a virus that balances, cultivates and humanizes the social fabric of societies. Seemingly by the way, confidence and hope germinate, consciousness changes, society is shaped.
"Concept about art of living" brochure
The title "KulturOrt Wintringer Kapelle" stands for the guiding idea of using the special features of the medieval building, its poetic power and its changing history in a careful and authentic way in the present. At the center of the present-oriented cultural work is the vision of inspiring people for sustainable ways of life through the language of art.
This is also the experiment in the sense of artistic research: What does man need for the "Good Life" in the synergetic encounter with his unique habitat Earth? With this orientation of the idea, artists expand the experiential spaces of this significant place through their contribution, which is accompanied by a public discourse. The program changes - per annum - in annual cycles. In addition, the originally sacral space naturally also offers a place for contemplation, silence, retreat and encounter.
Further experience in the experiment "Concept about the art of living" is currently being gathered in various projects.